All Day Meditation SWE


Söndag 5/1 

Varmt välkomna att delta i vår All Day Meditation

mellan klockan 10:00-16:00

Det blir en 15 min paus runt klockan 13:00

Meditationen hålls både på plats

Karlaplan 5 (Teosoferna)


Om du deltar på plats: 

  • Vänligen ta med en Pranami - en gåva (frukt).
  • Ta med något varmt att ha på dig - vi sitter stilla under långa perioder och man kan bli kall.
  • Var i god tid före klockan 10:00 så att du är bekvämt installerad på din plats när meditationen börjar.
  • Vänligen var med första delen och gå pausen - om du inte kan delta under hela meditationen. 
  • OBS! att dörren låses klockan 10:00 - ingen är tillåten att komma in efter att meditationen har startat.
  • Vi kommer tillsammans att äta frukten under tystnad - efter meditationen.

Om du deltar ONLINE:

  • Du är välkommen att ansluta och avsluta under dagen när det passar dig. 
  • Lägg en Pranami (en frukt) som en gåva bredvid ditt altare/Master's bild.
  • Ha något varmt att ta på dig i närheten av din meditations plats, eftersom vi sitter stilla under långa perioder.
  • Försök att vara bekvämt installerad på din meditationsplats innan klockan 10 - så att du kan njuta av stillheten och lugnet från start.
  • Anslut till mötet på Zoom:                                                     
  • Meeting ID: 893 6696 9249
    Passcode: 258770  

Varmt Välkommen till Master's Födelsedagsmeditation!


                              INSTRUCTIONS FOR DEVOTEES

Beginners sometimes feel that a meditation of several hours would be impossible for them. But often new members attending a Self-Realization Fellowship All Day meditation later testify that the hours passed like minutes. The power of the group's sincerity and devotional effort, and the blessings of God, create an inner calm that helps each one to overcome restlessness and to feel the presence of God. In fact, many devotees who have participated in one of these meditations later realize that a great spiritual change has taken place in their lives as a result of that one day of continuous divine communion. So we hope you will plan to attend the meditations held by your Self-Realization Fellowship Temple, Center, or Meditation Group if you possibly can.

Our All Day Meditation last six hours. There is an intermission after the first three hours, at which time anyone who wishes to leave may do so. However, as a general rule no one should come in for the second half who has not already attended the first period of meditation, in order not to disturb the peace of those who have already passed several hours in deep meditation. If you cannot be present for the whole day, please plan to attend the first period of meditation only.

Devotees who are only free during the second half of the day should try to meditate at home and tune in mentally with the group. Your earnest efforts will not fail to attract the blessings and divine aid of God, Christ, and Gurus.

The following information will be helpful to devotees planning to attend the meditation:

How to prepare:

Eat lightly (or not at all, if you prefer) before coming to the meditation. Do not bring food of any kind to the meditation (except the fruit offering – see “What to bring,” below).

Keep silence before the meditation.

Practice the Energization Exercises before the meditation.

It is good to arrive a little early if you can, so that you will have time to become comfortably settled and calm before the meditation begins.

Come in a devotional mood. Make a special effort to put aside all thoughts of the outside world for this one day, and strive to keep your whole heart and mind occupied with God alone.

If you have a cough or cold, you should meditate at home, rather than attend the all-day service. Paramahansa Yogananda insisted on scrupulous observance of this practice when he conducted these longer meditation. In fairness to others, you would not want to disturb them by coughing, sneezing, etc.

What to bring:

Bring fruit and pranami (donation) as a devotional offering.

Dress warmly and comfortably, so you will be able to forget about the body. You may wish to bring a shawl, or a small cushion to sit on.

You may bring a mediation armrest, if you wish to practice the Aum Meditation Technique during the meditation.

May this day be a very special one for you, bringing you a new awareness of the presence of God.





Your donations are very important to us. They enable us to meet the expenses of our center and to contribute to the worldwide needs of Self-Realization Fellowship. PG 1587523-0, Swish 1234345815 or cash at location.


“Meditation is the pickax that pries up all the covers of consciousness and brings forth the fountain of God’s ever new joy”.

                          From“God First” by Paramahansa Yogananda
