Our Meditations



           - ON SITE AND/OR ONLINE.                  

We conduct our meditations both ON SITE at Karlbergsvägen 54,

and ONLINE over ZOOM.


OBS! Wednesday evening Meditations & some of the Commemoration Services

are held ONLINE only.



  Sunday 2nd

  19:00-20:00  4h Meditation - ONLINE ONLY.

  Wednesday 5th

  19:00-19:30   30 min Guidad Meditation (newcomers) followed by

  19:30-20:30   1h Meditation - BOTH ONLINE ONLY.


  Sunday 9th

  Canceled due to Social Gathering at Värmdö.

  Wednesday 12th

  19:00-20:00   1h Guided Meditation before Study group (newcomers) ONLINE ONLY.

  Sunday 16th

  09:30-12:30   3h Meditation.


  SUMMERBREAK until August 21 except:


  July - Thursday 25th

  19:00-21:00    2h Birthday Meditation for Mahavartar Babaji - ONLINE ONLY.



  From August we will change location to Karlaplan 5 - 

  The bookshop of the Theosophists. 





  • Download Zoom: https://zoom.us/download
  • Open Zoom and click on "JOIN A MEETING" on the upper right hand side. 
  • Open our CALENDER here above and click on the Meditation you would like to join.
  • Copy the Meeting ID and paste it in the "Meeting ID or Personal Link Name" box, click on JOIN.
  • Copy the Passcode number in our CALENDER and paste it in the "Password" box.
  • Or copy Join the meeting and paste it the address bar and you will join the meditation.

  • Please do the Energization Exercises beforehand. 
  • Every participant except the Meditation Leader will be muted during the meditation.
  • We will start each meditation with an Opening Prayer, preliminarie breathing exercises, some inspirational readings from SRF's books and writings and a chant. 
  • We close the meditation with the Aum chant, the Healing Service and a Closing Prayer.
  • We deeply appreciate your donations to cover our costs and for our donation to SRF each year. You can SWISH to SMC on number: 1234345815. 

    Warmly Welcome!

    Stockholm Meditation Circle

    We also warmly recommend you to join the SRF ONLINE MEDITATIONS on:
